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hi-q keto Do not smoke or quit smoking. Smoking contributes to heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.Exercise regularly. Doing any type of light repetitive activity that helps you reach 60 to 70% of your heart rate for 30 to 60 minutes 3 to 4 times per week is recommended. This can help boost the strength, endurance, and efficiency of the cardiovascular system. These include cycling, brisk walking, jogging, jumping rope, and such.This also means that the muscles are able to maximize the use of this oxygen delivered by the blood to power your movements. In short, your cardiovascular system is considered fit if circulation and oxygen use are efficiently done.When you have cardiovascular fitness, you are able to withstand aerobically challenging activities regardless of the duration. Improved cardio fitness also reduces your risk of acquiring and developing various diseases related to the heart and lungs since the better your circulation, the less pressure is put on these organs.
